Terms and Conditions
Volunteers must be at least 18 years old by July 4, 2024.
Volunteering for this event will require standing for long periods of time for all roles unless specified.
Volunteers must be at their assigned location for the entirety of their shift.
Volunteer positions will be assigned based on the needs of the event. We will make an effort to place volunteers in the area(s) requested.
Volunteers are performing duties on behalf of Southeast Game Exchange but are not employed by SEGE. As a representative of SEGE, we ask that you are well rested, freshly showered, and nicely dressed upon arrival for your shift(s).
Volunteers who sign up for one 4-hour shift receive a single day pass for the day of their shift. Signing up for one Friday shift grants a one-day pass to either Saturday or Sunday.
Volunteers who sign up for two 4-hour shifts (same day or different days) receive a two-day pass for the weekend.
All volunteers will receive a voucher for a 2024 SEGE t-shirt. T-shirt will need to be worn during each shift(s). (Prior year SEGE t-shirts can also be worn during shift.)
Snacks and drinks will be provided.
About the Positions
Pre-Convention Setup (Limited Spots Available)
Friday 8AM-12PM
Mobility required
Assist with assembling VIP bags
Assist with moving tables/chairs
Pre-Convention Registration (Limited Spots Available)
Friday 12PM-4PM
Assist with directing vendors to booth locations
Assist with vendor booth changes (Adding/removing tables, chairs, etc.)
Manage the loading dock (direct vendors to check-in and ensure loading dock isn't blocked for long periods of time)
Tournament Area Set Up (Limited Spots Available)
Friday 8AM-12PM
Setting up TVs, consoles, and computers
Some technical skills required
Tournament Area Tear Down (Limited Spots Available)
Sunday 4PM-8PM
Pack up TVs, consoles, and computers
Some technical skills required
Post-Convention Tear Down (Limited Spots Available)
Sunday 4PM-8PM
Mobility required
Pack up SEGE equipment
Manage the loading dock (ensure vendors are not blocking the loading dock for long periods of time)
All of the below are needed on Saturday or Sunday
Line Management/Ticket Entry (Limited Spots Available)
Direct attendees where to line up
Assist with line control
Scan presale tickets/provide badges
Panel Support (Limited Spots Available)
Some technical skills required
Assist panelists with tech setup
Document panel statistics
Stage Support (Limited Spots Available)
Some technical skills required
Public speaking skills required (Emcee / manage sign ups)
Assist attendees with gaming equipment for Rock Band & Just Dance
Security/Door Monitoring (Limited Spots Available)
Check bags for weapons
Check cosplay weapons and tag as props
Badge Check
Relief/Floater (Limited Spots Available)
Provide relief for other volunteers to take breaks